

  • MEGL Projects for Fall 2021 New projects for the fall semester will be announced at the MEGL Poster Session, on Friday, April 30. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling bases through the summer, and additional projects may be added. Sign up for the prospective student listserv to stay up to date.

Funded Programs for Undergraduate and Graduate Students:

Annually at GMU

We encourage all MEGL participants who have completed one term with MEGL and are continuing to a consecutive term on the same project to apply to OSCAR funding for future MEGL research (both summer, fall, and/or spring).

We also encourage all MEGL participants to participate in the COS Science Slam after one semester with MEGL, and the Undergraduate Research Colloquium poster contest in the Spring (based on their Fall-Spring results).

Annual Undergraduate Conferences

We encourage MEGL participants to consider presenting your work as a poster at the following annual events:

  1. AMS-MAA Joint Math Meetings (location varies), January
  2. Shenandoah Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference (SUMS) at JMU, Fall
  3. Geometry Labs United Conference (every other year), Summer
  4. Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (UMS) at UIC, Fall

Recent Past

MEGL Projects for Spring 2021
Applications are open! First, check out the project descriptions here. Then apply here by December 11 2020 for best consideration.

Spring 2020 MEGL Projects : This semester, we have five research projects and one outreach team.

Fall 2019 MEGL Projects : Please see our flyer to learn about them.

Spring 2018 MEGL Open Positions (Flier):Visualizing Continued Fractions supervised by Dr. Lukyanenko, Riemann Hilbert Correspondence supervised by Dr. Carchedi, Exploring Geometric Flows supervised by Dr. Berry Arithmetic Dynamics supervised by Dr. Lawton, Equivariant Cohomology of Flag Manifolds supervised by Dr. Goldin,Math Outreach supervised by Dr. Lawton.

Fall 2017 MEGL Open Positions: Visualizing Continued Fractions supervised by Dr. Lukyanenko,
Erdös-Szekeres Problem supervised by Dr. Soltan, Exploring Geometric Flows supervised by Dr. Berry, Arithmetic Dynamics supervised by Dr. Lawton, Math Outreach supervised by Dr. Lawton. See flyer for application instructions.

Geometry Labs United 2017 Conference: See here for details.

Summer 2017 MEGL Open Positions: 1. Research in Number Theory and Dynamics: 1-2 internships available, 2. Development in Virtual Reality Mathematical Visualization: 1-2 internships available
See flyer for application instructions.

Spring 2017 MEGL Open Positions: 1. Research in Algebra and Combinatorics: 1-2 internships; 2. Research in Number Theory and Dynamics: 1-2 internships; 3. Development in Virtual Reality Mathematical Visualization: 1-2 internships. See flyer for application instructions.

Fall 2016 MEGL Open Positions: 2 paid internships, and 3 work-study positions are available for Fall 2016. See flyer for application instructions. Application deadline: 8/26/16. Late applications will be considered until positions are filled.

Fall 2016 MEGL New Project: 1-3 students are sought for a new project "Mathematical Art and 3D Printing” under the direction of Dr. Sander. See flyer for application instructions. Application deadline: 8/26/16. Late applications will be considered until positions are filled.

Summer 2016 MEGL Positions: 3-4 paid internships are available for Summer 2016. See flyer for application instructions. Application deadline: 5/17 2pm.

June 2016 Snowbird Mathematical Research Community Workshop

Conference on Geometries, Surfaces and Representations of Fundamental Groups at the University of Maryland, June 22 - June 24, 2016. See here for details. Funding is available for graduate students.

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